Anger Management

Although anger is a normal human emotion, it can become very destructive for some people. Anger causes a cascade of chemical changes in the brain, including the release of stress hormones and adrenaline, making it one of the most physically intense feelings we experience. It may be time to seek help for an anger problem if outbursts are causing significant problems at work or at home. It’s also important to learn to cope with anger and rage because problems with these emotions are associated with a greater risk of damaging property or even injuring other people. Out-of-control anger can also lead to sometimes-serious physical side effects like high blood pressure. Anger problems are sometimes related to a personal history of abuse, neglect, or other emotionally traumatic experiences.

How can therapy help?

If explosive anger has become a problem, therapy is often the most useful and effective way to deal with it. There are actually specific therapeutic techniques that are designed to help deal with intense, overwhelming emotions like rage. During therapy, the client will learn a variety of skills and other coping mechanisms to divert energy from anger before it becomes a destructive outburst. In cases where anger has roots in trauma, the therapist can help the survivor process and cope with painful experiences or memories. Therapists may also utilize other techniques, like teaching mindfulness or meditation, to help keep anger in control.